What Are You Doing For Easter?

What Are You Doing for Easter? 

What are you doing to prepare for Easter? For some it may mean buying candy for the kids or grandkids Easter baskets. For others it might mean trying to find that new spring outfit that will make you look just fine. For still others it may be nothing, because Easter means nothing to them.
Many of us here at Cherry Avenue have been preparing ourselves this year by going through the process and preparation of Lent. We began with a pre-Lent celebration that consisted of a great evening at our Shrove Pancake Supper. By that time most of us had chosen what we were going to give up for Lent. Giving up one thing for Lent reminds us that Jesus spent 40 Days in the Wilderness with no physical nourishment. The next evening, we remembered that we are mortal, and our physical bodies are nothing but dust and to the dust they will return. Again, that beginning of giving up one thing that the body enjoys reminds us too we are mortal.
Each day since we have read from the Gospels the life of Christ and read the daily Lent devotion posed on Facebook or our Website. And each day when we normally would eat, drink or do the thing we have given up we are reminded of what Christ did for us and are called to prayer.
Now there are three more special programs that I hope you will participate in as we prepare for Easter. First, Palm Sunday Service on Sunday morning, April 14. On this day we will celebrate Jesus the King and praise his name. Don’t miss this special Day!
Then on Thursday evening April 18, we will hold the first ever Maundy Thursday service I have ever been a part of as we explore Jesus’s appeal to his disciples at that last supper. This is a very moving service, come and be a part.
 On Friday, April 19, night we will observe the crucifixion of Jesus during our Good Friday service. You really can’t appreciate the message of Easter without recognizing the importance of the death of Christ.
Now, I’m going to ask you to do one more thing to prepare for Easter. Invite someone to come to church on Sunday, April 21. We have three services plus breakfast. More people will come to church, if they have a personal invitation from someone they know. And more people will come to an Easter Service than any other worship service. So, ask someone this year. And keep asking someone until you get someone to say, Yes.
You might begin your conversation like this: What are you going to do for Easter this year? Who knows you might be helping someone to prepare for eternity.