Making Shade

Warren Buffet said, “Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”
One of the things we all need to recognize is that we are the beneficiaries of a lot of people. As citizens of the United States we are the beneficiaries of men like Washington, Franklin, Adams and Jefferson who risked their lives and fortunes that we could establish a democratic republic. Or say Nathan Hale who actually did give his life. And we should be grateful for those who have fought in our military and those now in our military for keeping us safe.
And as a church we need to be thankful to those who came out to Cherry Avenue to start a mission church in the mid 1950’s, many of them sacrificed time, labor, and money to build this church. Many have worked diligently over the years to insure the continual presence of this church in our community, that we might be a beacon of hope to many. (By the way, if you know any of those people, take a moment to say thank-you for those who paid the price to make our church possible.)
And now the question to consider is: Who will be sitting in the shade of your hard work twenty years from now? Or more to the point: Will there be shade to sit in?
I certainly want to see this church continue to be a positive presence in this community, reaching people for Christ. In order to do that, each one of us needs to make a commitment to plant trees. When you invite a person to church, when you work to build up your Sunday School class, when you build disciples — whether it’s your children, or other church members, — you’re planting trees.
When you help others develop Christian character, or improve their marriage, or parent more effectively, or become a more loyal friend, you’re planting trees.
When you teach the Word, and teach others to love the Word, you’re planting trees.
Many times, as a minister I often feel that much of my work involves putting out today’s fire today. Maybe you feel that way as well. In the process let’s not forget to make shade for the next generation.
“And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:2 ESV).