Core Values

The following components are central ingredients we believe are required in the recipe for any dynamic, healthy church and the values by which Cherry Avenue Church is driven:
1. Biblical Authority We believe the Bible is God’s love letter to mankind. We trust it to be inspired by God and without error. We believe following the Bible’s teaching closely is the best way not to screw up everything in our lives. We’re the type of church where we let the Bible have the final answer to any issues that come up.
2. Eternal salvation by Jesus Christ alone. We believe without Jesus people are headed toward eternal lostness.  It is therefore the church’s primary mission to aggressively seek and minister to those who have not yet found the grace of Jesus.
 3. Discipleship We believe the secondary purpose of the church is to help those who are part of the church become better Christ followers by teaching practical application of the Biblical principles as taught and lived by Jesus.
4. Outreach We believe that the Church is to be an active participant in the community, to be the hands and feet of Jesus. This is why we sponsor or participate in such things as Special Night Out, the Relay for Life, and offer the use of our building for community and civic groups.  We are constantly exploring different ways in which we can show the love of Christ to our community.