April Fools

Fooled icon

I can hardly believe it’s time for opening day of baseball season. I’ve always thought that it was appropriate that baseball’s opening day is right around April Fool’s Day, because Read more…

Gone For Good

Gone for Good
As I write this Duke and Carolina are about to square off at the Dean Dome for the first of their two annual regular season basketball slugfests. Leading up to the game a Duke student went undercover Read more…

What Love Is

What is LoveOne of the best things about having a wife who’s a Kindergarten teacher is that they do assignments where they try to explain things that are beyond their comprehension. I love their Thanksgiving dinner recipes

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A Sacrificial Gift

A Sacrificial Gift

What’s the most extravagant gift you’re giving for Christmas this year? Is there a gift you’re giving that requires a sacrifice on your part? There are a lot of things my son has asked for that the catalog he found them in promises are legal Read more…

Glory Days

  Glory Days-App Button   I love it when my Mom cleans out the basement of her house. There’s always a treasure trove of items from my youth that gets discovered, having been boxed up—sometimes for decades. And during my vacation visit she unearthed another one: Read more…

Three Little Words

threelittlewords1985_a     Would I have been able to say it? Would I have been able to mean it? That’s all I could think about when I read the three little words Nadine Collier said Read more…



It’s enough to make you laugh and cry at the same time. A New York preschooler’s temper tantrum has his father fighting to retain any custody and visitation rights to his son. Read more…

Offering Mercy

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A few weeks ago, police discovered bomb components and blueprints in the home of an Edmond, Oklahoma teen, Read more…

Modern Mom-ing

Mother-Daughter Prayer

My mom is one who believes in discipline. So much so that in my growing up years she gave any adult who saw me getting out of line Read more…

A Quiet Example

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Growing up I hated North Carolina…. The school, not the state. Not only did they seem to always beat my team (and everyone else), but I hated the way they did it. Coach Dean Smith’s “Four Corners” Read more…

Interrupted Prayer

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It’s not like I’ve never had prayers answered before. I see them answered all the time. But usually I at least have to finish the prayer before it happens. Read more…